Press-Pulse Those Cancer Cells
Press-Pulse is an innovative treatment for cancer developed by Prof. Thomas Seyfried of Boston College based on his research on cellular biology.
In the textbook Cancer as a Metabolic Disease, Dr. Seyfried demonstrates how a malfunction in a healthy cell's mitochondria can lead to the development of cancer.
In a video of his lecture in Paris at the Rethinking Cancer 2017 conference that I will share with you here, he explains
1. The current state of war on cancer
2. The prevailing paradigm
3. A new paradigm based on the recent discoveries
4. The Press-Pulse treatment which involves putting pressure on cancer cells by cutting off their sources of energy (glucose and glutamine) as well as intermittent fasting, and shocking them in intervals (pulses) with hyperbaric oxygen therapy.
Cancer cells cannot utilize fat for energy, while healthy cells can. By reducing sugars and protein and caloric intake while increasing good fats and fiber, he has had success with advanced cases of cancer.
He also explains that stress plays an important role, as it raises the blood sugar, which provides fuel for cancer cells. So he considers stress reduction and management as a crucial part of treatment for cancer.
This metabolic paradigm answered a crucial question for me. I had heard and read of cancer patients who changed their diet, started an exercise program or a fast regiment, or left their jobs to travel before they die and instead of dying recovered completely. It was the positive physical and emotional changes that reduced fuel to cancer cells and enhanced their immune system that healed their bodies.
It is also interesting to note that side effects of chemotherapy, such as vomiting, diarrhea, and lack of appetite, reduce nutrients to cancer cells and sometimes can be more therapeutic than the chemical agents themselves.
Based on this and other research, Dr. Joseph Mercola has written Fat For Fuel, which provides a roadmap to implementing this way of eating to starve cancer cells and to improve one's health. Of course, any change in diet for those with cancer or other health conditions must be supervised and monitored by a licensed healthcare professional.
Now here is Dr. Seyfried's presentation at the Rethinking Cancer conference in Paris.
You can learn more in this paper published in Nutrition and Metabolism:
I pray and hope that soon cancer will be as rare as it was among the native people of the world, whose lifestyle and diet prevented such diseases. You can read my post on that titled, "Disease-Preventing Diet" for more details.
Stay informed. Stay well.